
Month: <span>October 2016</span>Month: October 2016

The Birth of the Handsome Hunk at Jyoti-Huron Family

The Birth of the Handsome Hunk at Jyoti-Huron Family

Jyoti-Huron is proud to announce the launch of “ U-Mill 6” at AMB Exhibition, Stuttgart, Germany. The definite show stopper of the event, Highly acknowledged, appreciated and accoladed by Machine Tools fraternity of Europe.

Yet another achievement on Quality front ! Jyoti wins " Gold Award" from Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)
in News,

Yet another achievement on Quality front ! Jyoti wins " Gold Award" from Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI)

Team Jyoti has again won the ” Gold Award” at 27 th  State levelcompetition held by Quality Circle Forum of India (QCFI) atVadodara..