
Month: <span>July 2017</span>Month: July 2017

Visit Jyoti at Machine Tool Expo 2017, Delhi
in News,

Visit Jyoti at Machine Tool Expo 2017, Delhi

Visti Jyoti At Machine Tool Expo 2017, From : 10th Aug to 13th Aug, 2017 At our booth : Jyoti Pavilion, Booth No. A103, Hall No. 11 Venue : Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India

Technology Symposium, Bangalore 19th July 2017

Technology Symposium, Bangalore 19th July 2017

“ We build too many walls and not enough bridges”  : Isaac Newton Let us bridge the gap between our industry and current trends of metal cutting. We have received overwhelming response to our tiny step in line with sharing upcoming trends of technology in the arena of metal cutting through “ Technology Symposium” at […]