
Month: <span>July 2021</span>Month: July 2021

Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Most of the companies today work on a unique basis. But all of them have a common goal – to have a common system in order to connect and have access to real-time data. This is where the Internet of Things plays an integral role. Internet of Things, or the IoT, is a digital network […]

The history of CNC Machine

The history of CNC Machine

Since ancient times, humans have been crafting instruments to make their life easier. Craftsmen from around the world were renowned for their skills. Items such as shining armours, hand-crafted swords and sparkling crown jewels were considered a luxury to those who could afford them. But the 1700s saw the Industrial Revolution across Europe and its […]

Tips to avoid desk job health hazards

Tips to avoid desk job health hazards

When the list of the most dangerous jobs is created, a desk job isn’t seen claiming a spot on the list at first glance. After all, how can a job, which requires a person to sit at a table and work, be harmful to anyone? But in reality, employees whose job designation requires them to […]

Basics of Machine Learning

Basics of Machine Learning

Machine Learning is defined as the study of computer algorithms that automatically improve by using the data available as well as learning from its past experiences. Simply put, it is a process which enables the machines to learn automatically without actually being programmed to. While programs have a definite code that it will follow while […]