
Month: <span>August 2021</span>Month: August 2021

Basics of Business Etiquettes

Basics of Business Etiquettes

We live in a society where rules and regulations govern the manner in which a person interacts and portrays oneself. The first impression of any person is determined by the manner in which they present themselves to the society. It is therefore, of utmost importance to learn the proper etiquettes that are required to present […]

5S – The Japanese Mantra to a Successful Organisation

5S – The Japanese Mantra to a Successful Organisation

At the core of any successful manufacturing unit are two important, but often overlooked aspects: elimination of waste and workplace effciency. If left unchecked, both of these can cause large amounts of hindrances in the assembly line. While the effciency of a workplace directly reflects how well the company is doing, the elimination of waste […]

Kaizen- Small Changes, Big Impacts

Kaizen- Small Changes, Big Impacts

Change is a part of life, and more often than not, it requires adjusting various aspects in order to assimilate the changes that have taken place. Sometimes change is a choice that you make, and other times it is inevitable, in order to make progress. In an industry, change is often in the form of […]