
Month: <span>May 2023</span>Month: May 2023

Jyoti Sports Carnival 2023

Jyoti Sports Carnival 2023

Jyoti Sports Carnival -2023 was an exhilarating event filled with energy, enthusiasm, and a spirit of healthy competition. All the events were organised on our campus. It brought together employees from different departments, fostering teamwork and camaraderie in a fun-filled environment. Beyond the competitive aspect, the sports carnival also promoted a healthy and active lifestyle […]

Recreation Games Sports Carnival 2023.

Recreation Games Sports Carnival 2023.

Physical activities improve children’s overall health and fitness levels, promoting a balanced lifestyle and reducing the risk of obesity-related issues. In order to engage kids towards field games, Jyoti CNC Automation Limited sponsored an initiative event. Sports Carnival 2023 for Recreation Games was organized in association Rajkot City Police on 21-5-2023 (Sunday) at Police Head […]

1st Five a Side – Hockey Premier League, Rajkot 2023

1st Five a Side – Hockey Premier League, Rajkot 2023

Jyoti CNC Automation Limited sponsored 1st Five a Side – Hockey Premier League, Rajkot 2023 was held during 14-21 May 2023 at Major Dhyanchand Hockey Ground, Racecourse, Rajkot. 5 a Side format of the game incorporates all the skills and game principles of Hockey with fewer players, less space. It is a super-fast, highly skillful, […]