


  • Jyoti understood that the raw-material for the machine is an important factor to improve the life of the machine, so Jyoti decided to have its own captive foundry.
  • Casting is also produced with resin bonded 2 part Moulding system.
  • Foundry is totally mechanized with the production of 1000 tons per month.
  • For melting, Jyoti has installed 3 tons capacity Induction Furnace.
  • It is well equipped with fully mechanized FETLLING Division.
  • Foundry is also supported by the latest chemical and physical testing facility.
  • Graded quality casting is produced with mechanized fast loop moulding technique supplied by Omega, U.K.
  • Time had a way of molding people into shapes, they themselves no longer recognized.
    - Kate Morton (The Forgotten Garden)