
Technology CentreTechnology Centre

Technology Centre

Like our social status of republic country we are by the people, for the people & with the people. At Jyoti we maintain the same culture. As social status we also believe that we are here, by the society, for the society & with the society and understanding our responsibility towards that we framed and started our technology centers.

Technology Centre
Technology Centre

We are providing these tech centre facilities to universities, colleges, polytechnics, ITI’s and other institutes. We have framed the training schedules for them.

Tech Centers are facilitated with various training programs like programming, imparting the same on machines, preventive maintenance etc. The same is also rendered to the operators of customers.

We have equipped these Tech Centers with simulators and advanced machines for practical purpose.

Technology Centre
  • Sufficiently advanced technology is almost indistinguishable from magic.
    - Arthur C Clarke