

Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Beginner's Guide to Industry 4.0

Most of the companies today work on a unique basis. But all of them have a common goal – to have a common system in order to connect and have access to real-time data. This is where the Internet of Things plays an integral role. Internet of Things, or the IoT, is a digital network […]

Tips to avoid desk job health hazards

Tips to avoid desk job health hazards

When the list of the most dangerous jobs is created, a desk job isn’t seen claiming a spot on the list at first glance. After all, how can a job, which requires a person to sit at a table and work, be harmful to anyone? But in reality, employees whose job designation requires them to […]

A peek into Artificial Intelligence

A peek into Artificial Intelligence

Humans are prone to making errors, which gave rise to the proverb ‘To err is human.’ But often, these errors or mistakes can prove to be costly for other people or organisations. And it is this nature of humans which led to the birth of machines. And for these machines to work eciently, humans have […]

Vaccination Camp at Jyoti CNC

Vaccination Camp at Jyoti CNC

As the health and safety of our employees remains our foremost priority and to spread awareness on the importance of Covid-19 vaccination, Jyoti, in association with HCG Hospital, has organised a vaccination camp. This has been initiated under the guidelines on COVID-19 Vaccination at Work Places for our employees between the age group of 18-44. […]

Jyoti celebrates the International day of Yoga 2019

Jyoti celebrates the International day of Yoga 2019

In line with the intention to harmonize the system of development for the body, mind and spirit team Jyoti has practiced the “Yoga” an ancient art of India, on the International day of Yoga (21st June)