

Jyoti Stands out at Imtex’19 with an Artificial Intelligence and other class apart cutting edge technologies on the display !

Jyoti Stands out at Imtex’19 with an Artificial Intelligence and other class apart cutting edge technologies on the display !

Jyoti Stands out at Imtex’19 with an Artificial Intelligence and other class apart cutting edge technologies on the display ! Jyoti Pavilion at Imtex 2019. Arieal View 1 Jyoti Pavilion at Imtex 2019. Arieal View 2 Jyoti Pavilion at Imtex 2019. Arieal View 3 Jyoti Pavilion at Imtex 2019. Arieal View 4

State of art machines displayed by Jyoti at MAKTEK, Eurasia 2018, Instanbul, Turkey

State of art machines displayed by Jyoti at MAKTEK, Eurasia 2018, Instanbul, Turkey

Jyoti CNC Automation Limited, c/o Vatan CNC Takim Tezgahlari, INSTANBUL From 2-7th October, 2018 Hall : 14, Booth 1427

The Economic Times Award For The Best Metal Cutting Brands 2018

The Economic Times Award For The Best Metal Cutting Brands 2018

Thanks a lot THE ECONOMIC TIMES for facilitating Jyoti as The Best Metal Cutting Brand of India for the year 2018 This prestigious recognition matters a lot for us in our journey to create Jyoti, a deeply admired brand amongst the world of Metal Cutting. Congratulations to all the stalwarts of team Jyoti.